open_iA 2024.9
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CiAAABBAn axis-aligned bounding box
 CiAAbortListenerAn interface for aborting operations
 CiAAmiraMeshIOEncapsulates loading and storing (uncompressed) volumes from/to the Amira mesh format
 CiAAmiraVolumeFileIOAmira mesh support for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAAttributeDescriptorClass for describing an attribute or parameter: its value type (see iAValueType), its name, its range, etc
 CiAAutoRegistrationAutomatically register classes with a registry by deriving from this class
 CiABarGraphPlotPlots the given data points as single bars, horizontally separated by the given margin
 CiABoxPlotDataComputes and stores data required for showing a boxplot
 CiAByteOrderByte Order handling - mainly for simplifying exporting string constants for the two possible values
 CiACameraVisVisualizes a representation of a camera; typically used for displaying the viewing position and direction of a collaborator using a different interface for viewing the same dataset
 CiAChannelDataClass collecting everything required to visualize a "channel" (dataset) in slicer and renderer
 CiAChannelSlicerDataClass storing required data for visualizing a "channel" (iAChannelData) in a slicer
 CiAChartFunctionAbstract base class for representing some kind of function in an an iAChartWithFunctionsWidget
 CiAChartFunctionBezierClass representing a bezier curve in an iAChartWithFunctionsWidget
 CiAChartFunctionGaussianClass representing a Gaussian function in an iAChartWithFunctionsWidget
 CiAChartTransferFunctionClass representing a transfer function in a histogram chart
 CiAChartWidgetA chart widget which can show an arbitrary number of plots
 CiAChartWithFunctionsWidgetA chart widget that can also show functions overlaid over the chart area (transfer function, Gaussian and Bezier curves)
 CiAChildSourceClass used for accessing an existing or creating a new child window as needed
 CiAColoredPolyObjectVisBase class for polydata-based object visualizations that can be colored
 CiAColorInputInput for a color value, combining a text box, a color indicator and a chooser button
 CiAColorThemeInterface for (qualitative) color themes. Holds a number of colors (which can be distinguished easily)
 CiAColorThemeManagerManager for color themes (iAColorTheme)
 CiAConnectorConverts VTK images to ITK and vice versa. It is written to replace the ImageConverter of VTKEdge
 CiAConverterClass for converting a variable of the type QString to the templated type
 CiAConverter< bool >Converts bool to and from QString
 CiAConverter< char >Converts (signed) char to and from QString
 CiAConverter< double >Converts double to and from QString
 CiAConverter< float >Converts float to and from QString
 CiAConverter< int >Converts (signed) int to and from QString
 CiAConverter< int64_t >Converts a 64 bit integer to and from QString
 CiAConverter< short >Converts (signed) short to and from QString
 CiAConverter< size_t >Converts size type (typically 64 bit unsigned) to and from QString
 CiAConverter< unsigned char >Converts unsigned char to and from QString
 CiAConverter< unsigned int >Converts unsigned int to and from QString
 CiAConverter< unsigned short >Converts unsigned short to and from QString
 CiACPUIDRetrieves and holds information on the CPU the program runs on
 CiACsvConfigHolds the configuration parameters for loading a specific csv file format
 CiACSVImageFileIOSupport for storing volumes in .csv for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiACsvInputDlgLoads custom csv file with data preview Settings can be adapted and saved under a specified format name
 CiACsvIOClass for reading a csv file into a table, using given options
 CiACsvQTableCreatorFills a QTableWidget with values from a .csv file
 CiACsvTableCreatorInterface used by iACsvIO for creating a actual table from .csv data
 CiACsvVectorTableCreatorFills a vector-based table with values from a .csv file
 CiACsvVtkTableCreatorFills a vtkTable with values from a .csv file
 CiACylinderObjectVisVisualizes the objects given in a table as cylinders
 CiADataCollectionCollection of datasets
 CiADataSetAbstract interface for datasets
 CiADataSetListWidgetA widget containing a list of datasets
 CiADataSetRendererAbstract interface for 3D renderers of a dataset (in an iARenderer)
 CiADataSetViewerBase class for handling the viewing of an iADataSet in the GUI
 CiADCMFileIOSupport for loading and storing DICOM files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiADefaultScatterPlotPointInfoDefault implementation of scatter plot point information - print x,y values and parameter names
 CiADepthComparatorFor comparing functions by the chosen depth measure value in an iAFunctionalBoxplot
 CiADepthMeasureAbstract Base for depth measures for a single function and band combination
 CiADockWidgetWrapperWrapper to show an arbitrary widget inside of a QDockWidget
 CiADurationEstimatorInterface for operations providing elapsed time and estimated remaining duration
 CiAEllipsoidObjectVisVisualizes the objects given in a table as ellipses
 CiAEntropyImageFilterCalculates the pixelwise entropy out of a collection of input images
 CiAExceptionThrowingErrorObserverThrows an exception when observing an error in itk objects
 CiAFast3DMagicLensWidgetBase class for 3D content rendering, main functionality currently:
 CiAFileChooserWidgetA widget for selection of input/output file(s), or folder, combining a text input and a browse button
 CiAFileIOBase class for dataset readers/writers within the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAFileParamDlgProvides a dialog for reading parameters, currently for a given file I/O type
 CiAFileStackParamsParameters for loading/saving file stacks
 CiAFileTypeRegistryRegistry for file types (of type iAFileIO) with the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAFilledLinePlotPlots the given data as a line and fills the area below the line
 CiAFilterBase class for image filters
 CiAFilterRegistryRegistry for image filters
 CiAFilterRunnerGUIDefault GUI runner for an iAFilter
 CiAFilterRunnerGUIThreadUsed for running descendants of iAFilter in the GUI
 CiAFilterRunnerRegistryRegistry for descendants of iAFilter, providing some processing of datasets
 CiAFilterSelectionDlgDialog for selecting a filter from the ones currently registered with the iAFilterRegistry
 CiAFunctionClass representing a generic (single-parameter) function, which can be passed into the functional boxplot calculation
 CiAFunctionalBoxplotClass for calculating and providing functional boxplot data for arbitrary functions For details on the calculation, see Lopez-Pintado, S.; Romo, J
 CiAFunctionBandClass for storing a "function band", i.e. a min-max range, for creating an iAFunctionalBoxplot
 CiAGeometricObjectA dataset containing a geometric object produced by some VTK algorithm such as the various sources
 CiAGeometricObjectRenderer3D renderer for simple geometric objects (sphere, cube, ...)
 CiAGeometricObjectSourceBase class for different geometric objects see deriving classes in Surfaces module
 CiAGeometricObjectViewerDataset viewer for simple geometric objects
 CiAGraphDataGraph dataset merge with iAPolyData ?
 CiAGraphFileIOSupport for loading graph datasets from a simple text-based description for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAGraphRenderer3D renderer for graph data, with options to adapt node and vertex size and color
 CiAGraphRendererSettingsEncapsulates the specifics of the settings of a graph renderer
 CiAGraphViewerDataset viewer for graph data
 CiAGUIModuleInterfaceBase class for a module interface
 CiAHistogramDataComputes and stores histogram data, which can be used in plots
 CiAImageCoordConverterUtility class for converting (2D/)3D indices to a flat (1D) index
 CiAImageCoordinateHelper for storing 3D image coordinates
 CiAImageDataImage (/volume) dataset
 CiAImageStackFileIOSupport for loading/saving image stack files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAImageStackLoadParamDlgDialog for retrieving parameters for loading an image stack
 CiAImageStackSaveParamDlgDialog for retrieving parameters for loading an image stack
 CiAImageStatisticsSimple data holder for image statistics
 CiAInternalSettingsWrapperInterface for setting (key, value) pairs in a data collection
 CiAitkCommandHelper class for forwarding progress events in ITK (where the observer pattern is used) to an iAProgress object
 CiAITKFileIOSupport for loading/saving files via ITK ( for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAITKTypeMapperMaps from a pixel type to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< char >Maps from pixel type char to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< double >Maps from pixel type double to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< float >Maps from pixel type float to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< int >Maps from pixel type int to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< long >Maps from pixel type long to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< long long >Maps from pixel type long long to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< short >Maps from pixel type short to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned char >Maps from pixel type unsigned char to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned int >Maps from pixel type unsigned int to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned long >Maps from pixel type unsigned long to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned long long >Maps from pixel type unsigned long long to ITK component type ID
 CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned short >Maps from pixel type unsigned short to ITK component type ID
 CiAJobInternal holder for data required about a currently running operation
 CiAJobListViewA list of currently running jobs and their progress
 CiALabeledVolumeVisVisualizes the objects given in a table by referencing them in a labeled volume
 CiALensDataInformation about a single lens window of an iAMagicLens
 CiALinearMapperMaps linearly from source to destination range
 CiALineObjectVisVisualizes the objects given in a table as lines
 CiALinePlotPlots the given data as a line
 CiALinePointersA horizontal line that can be added to a vtkRenderer, with two cones marking start and end of the line
 CiAListNameMapperMaps numbers to names via a given list
 CiALoadedModuleData associated with a single loaded module
 CiALogSingleton providing access to the global logger object
 CiALogarithmicMapperMaps logarithmically from source to destination range
 CiALoggerBase interface for logging
 CiALogRedirectITKRedirects all log output from ITK to the LOG macro (i.e. iALog)
 CiALogRedirectVTKRedirects all log output from VTK to the LOG macro (i.e. iALog)
 CiALogWidgetA dock widget to show log messages
 CiALookupTableClass representing a lookup table for color coding
 CiALUTClass for creating lookup tables from color maps
 CiAMagicLensProvides 2D magic lens functionality for a given vtk render window, which can have up to eight lenses into other datasets
 CiAMainWindowAbstract interface class for the application's main window, provides access to all global graphical user interface elements
 CiAMapperAbstract base class for a mapping from a source- into a destination range
 CiAMaskingLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilterComputes overlap measures between the set same set of labels of pixels of two images
 CiAMat4Class representing a 4x4 float matrix
 CiAMaximumDistanceFilterSegmentation based on maximum distance of peaks in histogram
 CiAMdiChildInterface for child windows, used for showing datasets and optional additional tools from the modules
 CiAMeshViewerDataset viewer for surface mesh data
 CiAMetaFileIOSupport for loading/saving MetaImage files ( for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAModifiedDepthMeasureModified depth measure, sums up the percentages to which the function is contained in each band of other function pairs
 CiAModuleDispatcherResponsible for managing (i.e. loading, initializing and properly shutting down) all modules existing in the plugin folder
 CiAModuleInterfaceBase class for a module interface
 CiAMultiStepProgressObserverEnables Observing the progress of multiple vtk algorithms executed sequentially via signals
 CiANameMapperAbstract interface for mapping each index from a given range [0..size()-1] to names
 CiANKCFileIOSupport for loading .nkc files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiANoObjectVisA "dummy" visualization for objects given in a table - no visualization at all (null object pattern)
 CiAObjectsDataDataset type containing data about a list of objects of same type
 CiAObjectsRenderer3D Renderer for objects data in the iADataSetViewer framework
 CiAObjectsRendererSettingsDisplay settings for object visualizations
 CiAObjectsViewerViewer for objects data in the iADataSetViewer framework
 CiAObjectVisBase class for 3D visualizations of objects (e.g
 CiAObjectVisActorBase class for visualizing a given iAObjectVis (which delivers the data for the 3D objects to visualize)
 CiAOBJFileIOSupport for loading/saving OBJ files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAObserverRedirectObserver needs to be a separate class; otherwise there is an error when destructing, as vtk deletes all its observers..
 CiAOIFFileIOSupport for loading Olympus image files (.oif) for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAOIFReaderHelperHelper class for reading Olympus image files (.oif). Adapted from FluoRenderer code
 CiAOutlineImplHolds VTK classes necessary for viewing an outline for a given box
 CiAParameterDlgDialog asking the user for some given parameters
 CiAParametrizableLabelVotingImageFilterThis filter performs pixelwise voting among an arbitrary number of input images, where each of them represents a segmentation of the same scene (i.e., image)
 CiAParsFileIOSupport for loading .pars files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAPercentBasedEstimatorSimple estimator: starts the clock as soon as it is created, and estimates remaining time by percentage of completion and elapsed time
 CiAPerfHelperImplInternal data encapsulation class for iAPerformanceHelper (PIMPL idiom)
 CiAPerformanceHelperClass for debug output about start and end of an operation
 CiAPerformanceTimerClass for simple performance measurements
 CiAPerfTimerImplInternal data encapsulation class for iAPerformanceTimer (PIMPL idiom)
 CiAPlotInterface for a plot which is drawable in a chart
 CiAPlotCollectionCollects multiple plots and makes them act as a single plot
 CiAPlotDataAbstract base class providing data used for drawing a plot in a chart
 CiAPolyActorRenderer3D renderer for any kind of polydata
 CiAPolyActorRendererSettingsEncapsulates the specifics of the settings of a surface mesh renderer
 CiAPolyDataClass for vtk polydata mesh datasets
 CiAPolyDataRenderer3D renderer for surface mesh data
 CiAPolyObjectVisActorDisplays data from objects in a class derived from iAColoredPolyObjectVis
 CiAPreferencesCollection of generic open_iA program preferences
 CiAProbabilisticVotingImageFilterFilter implementing probabilistic voting based on a given voting rule
 CiAProfileProbeRetrieves a line profile from a specified image dataset
 CiAProgressConnects computation with progress listeners through signals
 CiAProjectFileIOSupport for loading/saving a "project file" (a collection of datatasets) for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAProjectViewerA "viewer" for project files
 CiAQCheckBoxVectorHelper class to be able to put non-QObject class QVector<QCheckBox> in a iAQWidgetMap
 CiAQCropLabelAlternative for a QLabel which automatically cuts off text exceeding its width
 CiAQDockTitleWidgetTitle widget for a QDockWidget which also shows an info button
 CiAQFlowLayoutA flow layout, where items are arranged horizontally in rows
 CiAQLineEditVectorHelper class to be able to put non-QObject class QVector<QLineEdit> in a iAQWidgetMap
 CiAQProxyStyleAn application style used to override certain aspects of the user interface
 CiAQRadioButtonVectorHelper class to be able to put non-QObject class QVector<QRadioButton> in a iAQWidgetMap
 CiAQSettingsWrapperWrapper for setting (key, value) pairs in a QSettings object using the iAInternalSettingsWrapper interface
 CiAQSplomA scatter plot matrix (SPLOM) widget
 CiAQTtoUIConnectorHelper for using .ui file
 CiAQTtoUIConnector< QToolBar, uiType >Helper for using a .ui file, specifically for modelling a QToolBar
 CiAQVTKWidgetUnified interface to a Qt widget with VTK content, providing consistent usage for VTK versions 8 to 9
 CiARawFileIOSupport for loading/saving raw files (that is, binary data) for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiARawFileLoadParamDlgDialog for retrieving parameters for the raw file I/O
 CiARawFileParamDlgShows a dialog specialized for reading parameters of a raw file
 CiARawFileParametersContains all metadata required to load a raw data file
 CiARawFilePreviewSlicerLoads preview slices of a raw image from disk
 CiARawFilePreviewSlicerImplInternal data storage for the iARawFilePreviewSlicer class (pimpl-Idiom)
 CiARenderDeleteListenerListener class helping to prevent access to deleted renderers
 CiARendererClass encapsulating a main and a label renderer for displaying 3D objects, and displaying several helper widgets for a 3D vtk rendering window
 CiARendererContainerAvoid iAQTtoUIConnector to be able to forward-declare iARendererContainer
 CiARendererImplConcrete implementation of iARenderer, displays several helper widgets for a 3D rendering window
 CiARendererInteractorStyleDefault interactor style for renderer
 CiARendererSettingsSettings applicable to a 3D render window
 CiARendererViewSyncClass synchronizing the viewing parameters between multiple renderers
 CiARenderObserverObserves the mouse movements in an iARenderer
 CiARulerActorAn actor for visualizing a ruler in the slicer
 CiARulerRepresentationRepresentation data for visualizing a ruler in the slicer
 CiARulerWidgetWidget for visualizing a ruler in the slicer
 CiASavableProjectInterface for anything that can be saved as a project
 CiAScatterPlotRepresents a single scatter plot in the scatter plot matrix (SPLOM)
 CiAScatterPlotPointInfoProvides information on a point in the scatter plot (used in tooltips)
 CiAScatterPlotViewDataClass providing details on the current viewing configuration of a scatterplot
 CiAScatterPlotWidgetWidget for using a single scatter plot (outside of a SPLOM)
 CiASelectedBinPlotPlot highlighting a single bin in a histogram plot
 CiASettingsManagerManager for collections of settings
 CiASettingsObjectHelper for registering collections of settings with the iASettingsManager
 CiASettingsWrapperWrapper for setting (key, value) pairs in a QVariantMap using the iAInternalSettingsWrapper interface
 CiASimpleAbortListenerSimplest implementation of an iAAbortListener, it holds a boolean flag that is set by the abort method
 CiASimpleDepthMeasureSimple depth measure, just counts the number of bands of other function pairs which the function is fully contained in
 CiASingleColorThemeSimplest possible color scheme: only one single color for all items
 CiASingleSlicerSettingsSettings applicable to a single slicer window
 CiASliceMergedValuesKeeps track of which slices of an image have been loaded, to avoid reusing data values, used currently in histogram creation
 CiASlicerVtk-based slicer widget. "Channels" (i.e. image layers) are inserted via the addChannel method
 CiASlicerContainerContainer for a slicer with controls for changing slice number, slab mode etc..
 CiASlicerImplVtk-based slicer widget. "Channels" (i.e. image layers) are inserted via the addChannel method
 CiASlicerInteractionEventsSeparates Qt signals from iASlicerInteractorStyle
 CiASlicerInteractorStyleCustom interactor style for slicers, changing some interactions from vtkInteractorStyleImage
 CiASlicerProfileRepresents a "raw" profile function drawn over an image on a given renderer
 CiASlicerProfileHandlesShows handles for start and end of a profile line on the given (slicer) renderer
 CiASlicerSettingsSettings for slicer windows and their interaction among each other and with other windows
 CiASPLOMDataStores data shown in a scatter plot matrix (SPLOM)
 CiASPMSettingsDlgDialog for scatter plot matrix settings
 CiAStepFunctionPlotPlots each data point as a rectangular bar, all the bars are horizontally connected via a line
 CiASTLFileIOSupport for loading/saving STL files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiASystemThemeWatcherNotifies about changes between dark/bright mode in the system that the application runs on
 CiATFColorColumnDelegateDelegate for color column of transfer function table
 CiATFTableDlgDialog for editing the precise values of a transfer function
 CiATFTableWidgetItemAn item in the transfer function table, overrides operator< for search
 CiATimeAdderClass for adding up intervals of time
 CiATimeGuardSimple performance helper class following RAII principle
 CiATLGICTLoaderHelper for loading Talbot-Lau Grating Interferometry (TLGI) Computed Tomography (CT) image stacks
 CiAToolBase class for all tools; a tool is some collection of user interface elements that provides additional visualization or computation capabilities
 CiAToolRegistryRegistry for descendants of iATool
 CiATransferFunctionBase class for anything providing a full transfer function (opacity + color)
 CiATransferFunctionOwnerImplements iATransferFunction and owns both color and opacity transfer function
 CiATransferFunctionPtrsAn non-owning implementation of iATransferFunction (that is, a container for color- and opacity transfer functions stored elsewhere)
 CiAUndecidedPixelClassifierImageFilterGiven a number of input images, compute a final classification based on first and second best guess
 CiAVec3TClass representing a 3-dimensional vector
 CiAVectorColorThemeSimple implementation of a color theme, storing the colors in a vector
 CiAVectorInputInput line for a 2- or 3 dimensional vector with either continuous (double) or discrete (integer) values
 CiAVerticalLabelLabel with vertical text orientation (from bottom to top) currently only used in iAQDockTitleWidget
 CiAVGIFileIOSupport for loading .vgi files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAVglParameterParameters for a raw file found within the .vgl file
 CiAVglProjectFileBasic support for loading files from VG Studio for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAVolStackFileIOSupport for loading and storing volume stacks for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAVolumeRendererClass for rendering a volume dataset
 CiAVolumeRendererSettingsEncapsulates the specifics of the settings of a volume renderer
 CiAVolumeViewerClass for managing all viewing aspects of volume datasets (3D renderer, slicers, histogram, line profile)
 CiAVolumeViewerSettingsEncapsulates the specifics of the settings of a volume viewer
 CiAVTIFileIOSupport for loading and saving .vti files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAvtkClipPolyDataClip polygonal data with (multiple) user-specified implicit function or input scalar data
 CiAvtkCommandHelper class for forwarding progress events in VTK (where the observer pattern is used) to an iAProgress object
 CiAVtkDataTypeMapper from built-in types to the correct VTK_* data type value
 CiAVtkDataType< char >Maps type char to VKT_SIGNED_CHAR
 CiAVtkDataType< double >Maps type double to VKT_DOUBLE
 CiAVtkDataType< float >Maps type float to VKT_FLOAT
 CiAVtkDataType< int >Maps type int to VKT_INT
 CiAVtkDataType< long >Maps type long to VKT_UNSIGNED_LONG
 CiAVtkDataType< long long >Maps type long long to VKT_LONG_LONG
 CiAVtkDataType< short >Maps type short to VKT_SHORT
 CiAVtkDataType< unsigned char >Maps type unsigned char to VKT_UNSIGNED_CHAR
 CiAVtkDataType< unsigned int >Maps type unsigned int to VKT_UNSIGNED_INT
 CiAVtkDataType< unsigned long >Maps type unsigned long to VKT_UNSIGNED_LONG
 CiAVtkDataType< unsigned long long >Maps type unsigned long long to VKT_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG
 CiAVtkDataType< unsigned short >Maps type unsigned short to VKT_UNSIGNED_SHORT
 CiAVTKFileIOSupport for loading .vtk files for the file I/O framework of open_iA
 CiAvtkImageDataAn image which allows the user to specify min/max of scalar range
 CiAvtkInteractStyleActorInteractor style enabling the manual registration of objects in slicer and 3D renderer
 CiAvtkSourcePolyCollection of vtk classes required for displaying some VTK polydata source
 CiAVtkTextWraps the vtk classes required to display a text at a fixed position of the screen (in display coordinates)
 CiAvtkTubeFilterA tube filter for polylines, extending vtkTubeFilter by some options on how to vary radius
 CiAWidgetAnimationDecoratorAnimates a given widget property
 CiAXmlSettingsClass for loading and storing settings (transfer functions) to/from XML documents
 CiAXYPlotDataHolds data of a plot in the form of (x,y) value pairs
 CMainWindowApplication main window; implementation of iAMainWindow interface
 CMdiChildChild window of MainWindow's mdi area for showing datasets and visualizations
 CvtkEllipsoidSourceAn ellispoid mesh source from