►Nitk | |
►NStatistics | |
CGRBFKernelInducedDistanceMetric | Gaussian radial basis kernel distance function |
CKernelInducedDistanceMetric | Base class for kernel distance metrics |
CRBFKernelInducedDistanceMetric | Radial basis kernel distance function |
CFCMClassifierInitializationImageFilter | Performs Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Classification on an image |
CFuzzyClassifierImageFilter | Performs defuzzification on a membership image |
►CFuzzyClassifierInitializationImageFilter | Base class for fuzzy classifiers that take an image as input and produce a membership itk::VectorImage as output |
CThreadStruct | Internal structure used for passing image data into the threading library |
CKFCMSClassifierInitializationImageFilter | Performs Spatially Constrained Fuzzy C-Means based on kernel-induced distance (KFCMS) Classification on an image |
CMSKFCMClassifierInitializationImageFilter | Performs Modified Spatial Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means (MSKFCM) Classification on an image |
CVectorImageDuplicator | This helper class create a vector image which is perfect copy of the input vector image |
CiAAABB | An axis-aligned bounding box |
CiAAbortListener | An interface for aborting operations |
CiAAmiraMeshIO | Encapsulates loading and storing (uncompressed) volumes from/to the Amira mesh format |
CiAAmiraVolumeFileIO | Amira mesh support for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAAttributeDescriptor | Class for describing an attribute or parameter: its value type (see iAValueType), its name, its range, etc |
CiAAutoRegistration | Automatically register classes with a registry by deriving from this class |
CiABarGraphPlot | Plots the given data points as single bars, horizontally separated by the given margin |
CiABoxPlotData | Computes and stores data required for showing a boxplot |
CiAByteOrder | Byte Order handling - mainly for simplifying exporting string constants for the two possible values |
CiACameraVis | Visualizes a representation of a camera; typically used for displaying the viewing position and direction of a collaborator using a different interface for viewing the same dataset |
CiAChannelData | Class collecting everything required to visualize a "channel" (dataset) in slicer and renderer |
CiAChannelSlicerData | Class storing required data for visualizing a "channel" (iAChannelData) in a slicer |
CiAChartFunction | Abstract base class for representing some kind of function in an an iAChartWithFunctionsWidget |
CiAChartFunctionBezier | Class representing a bezier curve in an iAChartWithFunctionsWidget |
CiAChartFunctionGaussian | Class representing a Gaussian function in an iAChartWithFunctionsWidget |
CiAChartTransferFunction | Class representing a transfer function in a histogram chart |
CiAChartWidget | A chart widget which can show an arbitrary number of plots |
CiAChartWithFunctionsWidget | A chart widget that can also show functions overlaid over the chart area (transfer function, Gaussian and Bezier curves) |
CiAChildSource | Class used for accessing an existing or creating a new child window as needed |
CiAColoredPolyObjectVis | Base class for polydata-based object visualizations that can be colored |
CiAColorInput | Input for a color value, combining a text box, a color indicator and a chooser button |
CiAColorTheme | Interface for (qualitative) color themes. Holds a number of colors (which can be distinguished easily) |
CiAColorThemeManager | Manager for color themes (iAColorTheme) |
CiAConnector | Converts VTK images to ITK and vice versa. It is written to replace the ImageConverter of VTKEdge |
CiAConverter | Class for converting a variable of the type QString to the templated type |
CiAConverter< bool > | Converts bool to and from QString |
CiAConverter< char > | Converts (signed) char to and from QString |
CiAConverter< double > | Converts double to and from QString |
CiAConverter< float > | Converts float to and from QString |
CiAConverter< int > | Converts (signed) int to and from QString |
CiAConverter< int64_t > | Converts a 64 bit integer to and from QString |
CiAConverter< short > | Converts (signed) short to and from QString |
CiAConverter< size_t > | Converts size type (typically 64 bit unsigned) to and from QString |
CiAConverter< unsigned char > | Converts unsigned char to and from QString |
CiAConverter< unsigned int > | Converts unsigned int to and from QString |
CiAConverter< unsigned short > | Converts unsigned short to and from QString |
CiACPUID | Retrieves and holds information on the CPU the program runs on |
CiACsvConfig | Holds the configuration parameters for loading a specific csv file format |
CiACSVImageFileIO | Support for storing volumes in .csv for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiACsvInputDlg | Loads custom csv file with data preview Settings can be adapted and saved under a specified format name |
CiACsvIO | Class for reading a csv file into a table, using given options |
CiACsvQTableCreator | Fills a QTableWidget with values from a .csv file |
CiACsvTableCreator | Interface used by iACsvIO for creating a actual table from .csv data |
CiACsvVectorTableCreator | Fills a vector-based table with values from a .csv file |
CiACsvVtkTableCreator | Fills a vtkTable with values from a .csv file |
CiACylinderObjectVis | Visualizes the objects given in a table as cylinders |
CiADataCollection | Collection of datasets |
CiADataSet | Abstract interface for datasets |
CiADataSetListWidget | A widget containing a list of datasets |
CiADataSetRenderer | Abstract interface for 3D renderers of a dataset (in an iARenderer) |
CiADataSetViewer | Base class for handling the viewing of an iADataSet in the GUI |
CiADCMFileIO | Support for loading and storing DICOM files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiADefaultScatterPlotPointInfo | Default implementation of scatter plot point information - print x,y values and parameter names |
CiADepthComparator | For comparing functions by the chosen depth measure value in an iAFunctionalBoxplot |
CiADepthMeasure | Abstract Base for depth measures for a single function and band combination |
CiADockWidgetWrapper | Wrapper to show an arbitrary widget inside of a QDockWidget |
CiADurationEstimator | Interface for operations providing elapsed time and estimated remaining duration |
CiAEllipsoidObjectVis | Visualizes the objects given in a table as ellipses |
CiAEntropyImageFilter | Calculates the pixelwise entropy out of a collection of input images |
CiAExceptionThrowingErrorObserver | Throws an exception when observing an error in itk objects |
CiAFast3DMagicLensWidget | Base class for 3D content rendering, main functionality currently: |
CiAFileChooserWidget | A widget for selection of input/output file(s), or folder, combining a text input and a browse button |
CiAFileIO | Base class for dataset readers/writers within the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAFileParamDlg | Provides a dialog for reading parameters, currently for a given file I/O type |
CiAFileStackParams | Parameters for loading/saving file stacks |
CiAFileTypeRegistry | Registry for file types (of type iAFileIO) with the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAFilledLinePlot | Plots the given data as a line and fills the area below the line |
CiAFilter | Base class for image filters |
CiAFilterRegistry | Registry for image filters |
CiAFilterRunnerGUI | Default GUI runner for an iAFilter |
CiAFilterRunnerGUIThread | Used for running descendants of iAFilter in the GUI |
CiAFilterRunnerRegistry | Registry for descendants of iAFilter, providing some processing of datasets |
CiAFilterSelectionDlg | Dialog for selecting a filter from the ones currently registered with the iAFilterRegistry |
CiAFunction | Class representing a generic (single-parameter) function, which can be passed into the functional boxplot calculation |
CiAFunctionalBoxplot | Class for calculating and providing functional boxplot data for arbitrary functions For details on the calculation, see Lopez-Pintado, S.; Romo, J |
CiAFunctionBand | Class for storing a "function band", i.e. a min-max range, for creating an iAFunctionalBoxplot |
CiAGeometricObject | A dataset containing a geometric object produced by some VTK algorithm such as the various sources |
CiAGeometricObjectRenderer | 3D renderer for simple geometric objects (sphere, cube, ...) |
CiAGeometricObjectSource | Base class for different geometric objects see deriving classes in Surfaces module |
CiAGeometricObjectViewer | Dataset viewer for simple geometric objects |
CiAGraphData | Graph dataset merge with iAPolyData ? |
CiAGraphFileIO | Support for loading graph datasets from a simple text-based description for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAGraphRenderer | 3D renderer for graph data, with options to adapt node and vertex size and color |
CiAGraphRendererSettings | Encapsulates the specifics of the settings of a graph renderer |
CiAGraphViewer | Dataset viewer for graph data |
CiAGUIModuleInterface | Base class for a module interface |
CiAHistogramData | Computes and stores histogram data, which can be used in plots |
CiAImageCoordConverter | Utility class for converting (2D/)3D indices to a flat (1D) index |
CiAImageCoordinate | Helper for storing 3D image coordinates |
CiAImageData | Image (/volume) dataset |
CiAImageStackFileIO | Support for loading/saving image stack files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAImageStackLoadParamDlg | Dialog for retrieving parameters for loading an image stack |
CiAImageStackSaveParamDlg | Dialog for retrieving parameters for loading an image stack |
CiAImageStatistics | Simple data holder for image statistics |
CiAInternalSettingsWrapper | Interface for setting (key, value) pairs in a data collection |
CiAitkCommand | Helper class for forwarding progress events in ITK (where the observer pattern is used) to an iAProgress object |
CiAITKFileIO | Support for loading/saving files via ITK (https://itk.org/Wiki/ITK/File_Formats) for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAITKTypeMapper | Maps from a pixel type to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< char > | Maps from pixel type char to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< double > | Maps from pixel type double to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< float > | Maps from pixel type float to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< int > | Maps from pixel type int to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< long > | Maps from pixel type long to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< long long > | Maps from pixel type long long to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< short > | Maps from pixel type short to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned char > | Maps from pixel type unsigned char to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned int > | Maps from pixel type unsigned int to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned long > | Maps from pixel type unsigned long to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned long long > | Maps from pixel type unsigned long long to ITK component type ID |
CiAITKTypeMapper< unsigned short > | Maps from pixel type unsigned short to ITK component type ID |
CiAJob | Internal holder for data required about a currently running operation |
CiAJobListView | A list of currently running jobs and their progress |
CiALabeledVolumeVis | Visualizes the objects given in a table by referencing them in a labeled volume |
CiALensData | Information about a single lens window of an iAMagicLens |
CiALinearMapper | Maps linearly from source to destination range |
CiALineObjectVis | Visualizes the objects given in a table as lines |
CiALinePlot | Plots the given data as a line |
CiALinePointers | A horizontal line that can be added to a vtkRenderer, with two cones marking start and end of the line |
CiAListNameMapper | Maps numbers to names via a given list |
CiALoadedModule | Data associated with a single loaded module |
CiALog | Singleton providing access to the global logger object |
CiALogarithmicMapper | Maps logarithmically from source to destination range |
CiALogger | Base interface for logging |
CiALogRedirectITK | Redirects all log output from ITK to the LOG macro (i.e. iALog) |
CiALogRedirectVTK | Redirects all log output from VTK to the LOG macro (i.e. iALog) |
CiALogWidget | A dock widget to show log messages |
CiALookupTable | Class representing a lookup table for color coding |
CiALUT | Class for creating lookup tables from color maps |
CiAMagicLens | Provides 2D magic lens functionality for a given vtk render window, which can have up to eight lenses into other datasets |
CiAMainWindow | Abstract interface class for the application's main window, provides access to all global graphical user interface elements |
CiAMapper | Abstract base class for a mapping from a source- into a destination range |
►CiAMaskingLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter | Computes overlap measures between the set same set of labels of pixels of two images |
CLabelSetMeasures | Metrics stored per label |
CiAMat4 | Class representing a 4x4 float matrix |
CiAMaximumDistanceFilter | Segmentation based on maximum distance of peaks in histogram |
CiAMdiChild | Interface for child windows, used for showing datasets and optional additional tools from the modules |
CiAMeshViewer | Dataset viewer for surface mesh data |
CiAMetaFileIO | Support for loading/saving MetaImage files (https://itk.org/Wiki/ITK/MetaIO/Documentation) for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAModifiedDepthMeasure | Modified depth measure, sums up the percentages to which the function is contained in each band of other function pairs |
CiAModuleDispatcher | Responsible for managing (i.e. loading, initializing and properly shutting down) all modules existing in the plugin folder |
CiAModuleInterface | Base class for a module interface |
CiAMultiStepProgressObserver | Enables Observing the progress of multiple vtk algorithms executed sequentially via signals |
CiANameMapper | Abstract interface for mapping each index from a given range [0..size()-1] to names |
CiANKCFileIO | Support for loading .nkc files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiANoObjectVis | A "dummy" visualization for objects given in a table - no visualization at all (null object pattern) |
CiAObjectsData | Dataset type containing data about a list of objects of same type |
CiAObjectsRenderer | 3D Renderer for objects data in the iADataSetViewer framework |
CiAObjectsRendererSettings | Display settings for object visualizations |
CiAObjectsViewer | Viewer for objects data in the iADataSetViewer framework |
CiAObjectVis | Base class for 3D visualizations of objects (e.g |
CiAObjectVisActor | Base class for visualizing a given iAObjectVis (which delivers the data for the 3D objects to visualize) |
CiAOBJFileIO | Support for loading/saving OBJ files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAObserverRedirect | Observer needs to be a separate class; otherwise there is an error when destructing, as vtk deletes all its observers.. |
CiAOIFFileIO | Support for loading Olympus image files (.oif) for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAOIFReaderHelper | Helper class for reading Olympus image files (.oif). Adapted from FluoRenderer code |
CiAOutlineImpl | Holds VTK classes necessary for viewing an outline for a given box |
CiAParameterDlg | Dialog asking the user for some given parameters |
CiAParametrizableLabelVotingImageFilter | This filter performs pixelwise voting among an arbitrary number of input images, where each of them represents a segmentation of the same scene (i.e., image) |
CiAParsFileIO | Support for loading .pars files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAPercentBasedEstimator | Simple estimator: starts the clock as soon as it is created, and estimates remaining time by percentage of completion and elapsed time |
CiAPerfHelperImpl | Internal data encapsulation class for iAPerformanceHelper (PIMPL idiom) |
CiAPerformanceHelper | Class for debug output about start and end of an operation |
CiAPerformanceTimer | Class for simple performance measurements |
CiAPerfTimerImpl | Internal data encapsulation class for iAPerformanceTimer (PIMPL idiom) |
CiAPlot | Interface for a plot which is drawable in a chart |
CiAPlotCollection | Collects multiple plots and makes them act as a single plot |
CiAPlotData | Abstract base class providing data used for drawing a plot in a chart |
CiAPolyActorRenderer | 3D renderer for any kind of polydata |
CiAPolyActorRendererSettings | Encapsulates the specifics of the settings of a surface mesh renderer |
CiAPolyData | Class for vtk polydata mesh datasets |
CiAPolyDataRenderer | 3D renderer for surface mesh data |
CiAPolyObjectVisActor | Displays data from objects in a class derived from iAColoredPolyObjectVis |
CiAPreferences | Collection of generic open_iA program preferences |
CiAProbabilisticVotingImageFilter | Filter implementing probabilistic voting based on a given voting rule |
CiAProfileProbe | Retrieves a line profile from a specified image dataset |
CiAProgress | Connects computation with progress listeners through signals |
CiAProjectFileIO | Support for loading/saving a "project file" (a collection of datatasets) for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAProjectViewer | A "viewer" for project files |
CiAQCheckBoxVector | Helper class to be able to put non-QObject class QVector<QCheckBox> in a iAQWidgetMap |
CiAQCropLabel | Alternative for a QLabel which automatically cuts off text exceeding its width |
CiAQDockTitleWidget | Title widget for a QDockWidget which also shows an info button |
CiAQFlowLayout | A flow layout, where items are arranged horizontally in rows |
CiAQLineEditVector | Helper class to be able to put non-QObject class QVector<QLineEdit> in a iAQWidgetMap |
CiAQProxyStyle | An application style used to override certain aspects of the user interface |
CiAQRadioButtonVector | Helper class to be able to put non-QObject class QVector<QRadioButton> in a iAQWidgetMap |
CiAQSettingsWrapper | Wrapper for setting (key, value) pairs in a QSettings object using the iAInternalSettingsWrapper interface |
►CiAQSplom | A scatter plot matrix (SPLOM) widget |
CSettings | All settings of the plot in one struct |
CiAQTtoUIConnector | Helper for using .ui file |
CiAQTtoUIConnector< QToolBar, uiType > | Helper for using a .ui file, specifically for modelling a QToolBar |
CiAQVTKWidget | Unified interface to a Qt widget with VTK content, providing consistent usage for VTK versions 8 to 9 |
CiARawFileIO | Support for loading/saving raw files (that is, binary data) for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiARawFileLoadParamDlg | Dialog for retrieving parameters for the raw file I/O |
CiARawFileParamDlg | Shows a dialog specialized for reading parameters of a raw file |
CiARawFileParameters | Contains all metadata required to load a raw data file |
CiARawFilePreviewSlicer | Loads preview slices of a raw image from disk |
CiARawFilePreviewSlicerImpl | Internal data storage for the iARawFilePreviewSlicer class (pimpl-Idiom) |
CiARenderDeleteListener | Listener class helping to prevent access to deleted renderers |
CiARenderer | Class encapsulating a main and a label renderer for displaying 3D objects, and displaying several helper widgets for a 3D vtk rendering window |
CiARendererContainer | Avoid iAQTtoUIConnector to be able to forward-declare iARendererContainer |
CiARendererImpl | Concrete implementation of iARenderer, displays several helper widgets for a 3D rendering window |
CiARendererInteractorStyle | Default interactor style for renderer |
CiARendererSettings | Settings applicable to a 3D render window |
CiARendererViewSync | Class synchronizing the viewing parameters between multiple renderers |
CiARenderObserver | Observes the mouse movements in an iARenderer |
CiARulerActor | An actor for visualizing a ruler in the slicer |
CiARulerRepresentation | Representation data for visualizing a ruler in the slicer |
CiARulerWidget | Widget for visualizing a ruler in the slicer |
CiASavableProject | Interface for anything that can be saved as a project |
►CiAScatterPlot | Represents a single scatter plot in the scatter plot matrix (SPLOM) |
CSettings | All settings of the plot in one struct |
CiAScatterPlotPointInfo | Provides information on a point in the scatter plot (used in tooltips) |
CiAScatterPlotViewData | Class providing details on the current viewing configuration of a scatterplot |
CiAScatterPlotWidget | Widget for using a single scatter plot (outside of a SPLOM) |
CiASelectedBinPlot | Plot highlighting a single bin in a histogram plot |
CiASettingsManager | Manager for collections of settings |
CiASettingsObject | Helper for registering collections of settings with the iASettingsManager |
CiASettingsWrapper | Wrapper for setting (key, value) pairs in a QVariantMap using the iAInternalSettingsWrapper interface |
CiASimpleAbortListener | Simplest implementation of an iAAbortListener, it holds a boolean flag that is set by the abort method |
CiASimpleDepthMeasure | Simple depth measure, just counts the number of bands of other function pairs which the function is fully contained in |
CiASingleColorTheme | Simplest possible color scheme: only one single color for all items |
CiASingleSlicerSettings | Settings applicable to a single slicer window |
CiASliceMergedValues | Keeps track of which slices of an image have been loaded, to avoid reusing data values, used currently in histogram creation |
CiASlicer | Vtk-based slicer widget. "Channels" (i.e. image layers) are inserted via the addChannel method |
CiASlicerContainer | Container for a slicer with controls for changing slice number, slab mode etc.. |
CiASlicerImpl | Vtk-based slicer widget. "Channels" (i.e. image layers) are inserted via the addChannel method |
CiASlicerInteractionEvents | Separates Qt signals from iASlicerInteractorStyle |
CiASlicerInteractorStyle | Custom interactor style for slicers, changing some interactions from vtkInteractorStyleImage |
CiASlicerProfile | Represents a "raw" profile function drawn over an image on a given renderer |
CiASlicerProfileHandles | Shows handles for start and end of a profile line on the given (slicer) renderer |
CiASlicerSettings | Settings for slicer windows and their interaction among each other and with other windows |
CiASPLOMData | Stores data shown in a scatter plot matrix (SPLOM) |
CiASPMSettingsDlg | Dialog for scatter plot matrix settings |
CiAStepFunctionPlot | Plots each data point as a rectangular bar, all the bars are horizontally connected via a line |
CiASTLFileIO | Support for loading/saving STL files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiASystemThemeWatcher | Notifies about changes between dark/bright mode in the system that the application runs on |
CiATFColorColumnDelegate | Delegate for color column of transfer function table |
CiATFTableDlg | Dialog for editing the precise values of a transfer function |
CiATFTableWidgetItem | An item in the transfer function table, overrides operator< for search |
CiATimeAdder | Class for adding up intervals of time |
CiATimeGuard | Simple performance helper class following RAII principle |
CiATLGICTLoader | Helper for loading Talbot-Lau Grating Interferometry (TLGI) Computed Tomography (CT) image stacks |
CiATool | Base class for all tools; a tool is some collection of user interface elements that provides additional visualization or computation capabilities |
CiAToolRegistry | Registry for descendants of iATool |
CiATransferFunction | Base class for anything providing a full transfer function (opacity + color) |
CiATransferFunctionOwner | Implements iATransferFunction and owns both color and opacity transfer function |
CiATransferFunctionPtrs | An non-owning implementation of iATransferFunction (that is, a container for color- and opacity transfer functions stored elsewhere) |
CiAUndecidedPixelClassifierImageFilter | Given a number of input images, compute a final classification based on first and second best guess |
CiAVec3T | Class representing a 3-dimensional vector |
CiAVectorColorTheme | Simple implementation of a color theme, storing the colors in a vector |
CiAVectorInput | Input line for a 2- or 3 dimensional vector with either continuous (double) or discrete (integer) values |
CiAVerticalLabel | Label with vertical text orientation (from bottom to top) currently only used in iAQDockTitleWidget |
CiAVGIFileIO | Support for loading .vgi files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAVglParameter | Parameters for a raw file found within the .vgl file |
CiAVglProjectFile | Basic support for loading files from VG Studio for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAVolStackFileIO | Support for loading and storing volume stacks for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAVolumeRenderer | Class for rendering a volume dataset |
CiAVolumeRendererSettings | Encapsulates the specifics of the settings of a volume renderer |
CiAVolumeViewer | Class for managing all viewing aspects of volume datasets (3D renderer, slicers, histogram, line profile) |
CiAVolumeViewerSettings | Encapsulates the specifics of the settings of a volume viewer |
CiAVTIFileIO | Support for loading and saving .vti files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAvtkClipPolyData | Clip polygonal data with (multiple) user-specified implicit function or input scalar data |
CiAvtkCommand | Helper class for forwarding progress events in VTK (where the observer pattern is used) to an iAProgress object |
CiAVtkDataType | Mapper from built-in types to the correct VTK_* data type value |
CiAVtkDataType< char > | Maps type char to VKT_SIGNED_CHAR |
CiAVtkDataType< double > | Maps type double to VKT_DOUBLE |
CiAVtkDataType< float > | Maps type float to VKT_FLOAT |
CiAVtkDataType< int > | Maps type int to VKT_INT |
CiAVtkDataType< long > | Maps type long to VKT_UNSIGNED_LONG |
CiAVtkDataType< long long > | Maps type long long to VKT_LONG_LONG |
CiAVtkDataType< short > | Maps type short to VKT_SHORT |
CiAVtkDataType< unsigned char > | Maps type unsigned char to VKT_UNSIGNED_CHAR |
CiAVtkDataType< unsigned int > | Maps type unsigned int to VKT_UNSIGNED_INT |
CiAVtkDataType< unsigned long > | Maps type unsigned long to VKT_UNSIGNED_LONG |
CiAVtkDataType< unsigned long long > | Maps type unsigned long long to VKT_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG |
CiAVtkDataType< unsigned short > | Maps type unsigned short to VKT_UNSIGNED_SHORT |
CiAVTKFileIO | Support for loading .vtk files for the file I/O framework of open_iA |
CiAvtkImageData | An image which allows the user to specify min/max of scalar range |
CiAvtkInteractStyleActor | Interactor style enabling the manual registration of objects in slicer and 3D renderer |
CiAvtkSourcePoly | Collection of vtk classes required for displaying some VTK polydata source |
CiAVtkText | Wraps the vtk classes required to display a text at a fixed position of the screen (in display coordinates) |
CiAvtkTubeFilter | A tube filter for polylines, extending vtkTubeFilter by some options on how to vary radius |
CiAWidgetAnimationDecorator | Animates a given widget property |
CiAXmlSettings | Class for loading and storing settings (transfer functions) to/from XML documents |
CiAXYPlotData | Holds data of a plot in the form of (x,y) value pairs |
CMainWindow | Application main window; implementation of iAMainWindow interface |
CMdiChild | Child window of MainWindow's mdi area for showing datasets and visualizations |
CvtkEllipsoidSource | An ellispoid mesh source from https://github.com/daviddoria/vtkEllipsoidSource.git |